70th Anniversary Celebration
Join us for our 70th Anniversary Celebration featuring Dr. Kevin Elko. Dr. Elko has authored four books on motivation and leadership
and consults with many publicly traded companies and professional and college sports teams. He has worked with seven BCS Football Champions
including 2013 Florida State Seminoles and the 2012 University of Alabama Crimson Tide. Proceeds to benefit The Nina Nicks Joseph Child Development Center.
Sponsorship Packages
- Platinum Sponsorship: $6,000 3 tables (24 seats), preferred seating, recognition in all media (including video and website)
- Gold Sponsorship: $3,000 2 tables (16 seats), preferred seating, special recognition on day of event and in program. Also mentioned on website.
- Bronze Table Sponsorship: $1,200 1table (8 seats), preferred seating, day of event recognition
- Youth Leadership Sponsors: $115 forTeachers and Coaches (For schools wishing to participate)
- $100 for Students and Student Atheletes Recognition in day of event program for schools who purchase 2 tables. Preferred seating.